Parent Communication Guidelines

     At Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School, we believe that communication is necessary to ensure the success of our school community. Therefore, the goal is to provide our parents/guardians and students with a clear communication protocol should you have questions or concerns. 


     If a concern arises, the first step should always be for the student to communicate directly with the person in charge of the class, team, or program. If step one does not resolve the issue or clarify the rationale, please follow the steps provided. In most cases, the easiest way to communicate is via e-mail, then a phone call.

Matters Involving Academic Concerns

Step 1: Student contacts classroom teacher in person or through e-mail.

Step 2: Parent contacts teacher through e-mail or phone call. (click here to see online staff directory)

Step 3: Parent/Guardian contacts department chair via e-mail or phone call. (click here to see online staff directory)

Step 4: Contact your child’s guidance counselor (click here to see online guidance directory)

Step 5: Contact Assistant Principal for Curriculum, Matt Ittig at [email protected] or 941-371-4917 ext. 111.


Matters Involving Student Discipline/Attendance
For non-urgent matters within the classroom

Step 1: Contact classroom teacher or call School Office 941-371-4917 (see online staff directory); if no resolution continue to step 2.

Step 2: Contact Dean of Students, Will Schenerlein at [email protected] or 941-371-4917 ext. 136. if no resolution continue to step 3.

Step 3: Contact Mr. Ben Hopper, School Principal at [email protected] or 941-371-4917 ext. 113.

For urgent matters 

Step 1: Contact Dean of Students, Will Schenerlein at [email protected] or 941-371-4917 ext. 136. if no resolution continue to step 2.

Step 2: Contact Mr. Ben Hopper, School Principal at [email protected] or 941-371-4917 ext. 113.

Matters Involving Athletics

Step 1: Student-Athlete meets with coach.

Step 2: Student-Athlete and Parents contact coach via email. (click here for directory)

Step 3: Student-Athlete, Parent, Coach(es) meet with the Athletic Director, Rafael Fernandez, [email protected], 941-371-4917 x156.

Step 4: Student-Athlete, Parent, Coach(es), Athletic Director meet with Mr. Ben Hopper, Principal.

Mr. Ben Hopper, Principal

Mr. Rafael Fernandez, Athletic Director

Dr. Matt Ittig, Assistant Principal for Curriculum

Mr. Will Schenerlein, Dean of Students